Older casinos and bingo halls online usa

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You should have policies and procedures designed to ensure that: You can, however, employ young people to perform any function not related to gambling when bingo games are taking place. It is an offence to employ children to perform any function on the premises when you are running a bingo game. If you employ children (those aged under 16) or young people (16 or 17) you should be aware that it is an offence for them to provide facilities for playing bingo or to perform any function in connection with a gaming machine, including servicing or cleaning them. Employment of children and young people in bingo premises

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If your bingo club has category B or C gaming machines these must be separated from areas where under 18s are allowed. Under 18s are allowed in licensed commercial bingo clubs but they must not take part in playing bingo or any other forms of gambling whilst on the premises.

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